Saturday, November 10, 2012

Spielberg will not direct Star Wars 7!

Okay, so I'm sorry if you are already sick of all the STAR WARS: EPISODE VII articles. It's pretty big news though, and exciting, especially since the director's chair is up for grabs.
When I asked you guys who you would choose as your director for the next film, you put Steven Spielberg in second place. He was more or less everyone's "dream director", so to speak. The guy directed iconic films that tie to many a childhood, so why the hell wouldn't you want him to take a stab at it? Well, it looks like he won't do it anyway.
During the LINCOLN premiere, Access Hollywood asked Spielberg if he would be up for directing EPISODE VII and this is what he said:
"No! No! It’s not my genre. It’s my best friend George’s genre."
But is that really how he feels? Well, that's not how he felt in 2002...
"I've asked [Lucas]. He won't let me do one. I wanted to do one 15 years ago, and he didn't want me to do it. I understand why - Star Wars is George's baby. It's his cottage industry and it's his fingerprints. He knows I've got Jurassic Park and Raiders. But George has Star Wars and I don't think he feels inclined to share any of it with me."
The time is now, my friend

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